Monday, May 25, 2009

The 3 Simultaneous Popes & Links in the Chain

Did you know that at one time there were 3 different men who were considered the pope at the same time?  I sure didn't...until today!  Today's class was quite interesting!  The chapter in our book covered a TON of information, and a lot of it was hard to decipher, but we made it through thanks to Dale!  :)  

But we learned a lot, as I said.  So let me mention the 3 popes.  Benedict IX, Gregory VI, and Sylvester II.  Benedict IX was a 20 year old pope who decided that he didn't want to be pope anymore because he wanted to get married, so he SOLD the papacy to John Gratian, who became Gregory VI.  This would be called simony, and it went on quite a bit during this time period.  Well, the people didn't particularly like that this happened so they took it upon themselves to elect a pope, Sylvester II.  THEN, Benedict IX decided that he wanted to be pope AGAIN, so he re-appointed himself.  (Isn't it something what a little power and the loss of it will do to people!?!?!)  So now, there were 3 popes.  To resolve this, Gregory VI, who was the "true" pope decided that he would hold a council to settle this silliness.  To make a long story short, he ended up resigning and Benedict IX was returned to power.  I don't know about you, but I sure would not have wanted to live during this time!

Now to our 2nd part of the class...the links in the chain.  Wondering what that is?  Well, think about this first.  Do we really, truly trust God to handle everything in our lives for us?  I know that there are plenty of times that I've said, "Not now, God.  I can handle this."  But was I able to?  I can't recall a single time that I was able to handle something fully on my own and have it go exactly like I wanted it to.  It's kind of like that saying, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."  Also, think about often do we judge people?  Even if we don't think we are, we are all judgmental at times.  Did you ever see a homeless person and think, "He's probably just a drunk and will take any money I give him and spend it on liquor" or see a person who you can tell doesn't have much money and think, "Well, they are probably just too lazy to get a job."  Now, did you ever think that those thoughts are judgmental?  We all just think them to ourselves and never think about the fact that God still knows we are judging.  We ALL do this!  We don't necessarily do it intentionally, but we still do it.  Humans, by our sinful nature, are independent, judgmental creatures.  So how does this relate to links in a chain?  The weaker a link is in a chain, the more likely the chain is to break eventually.  We are all links in the chain of the Catholic Church and the chain of Christianity.  If we choose not to let God handle every part of our lives or if we choose to judge everyone, we make that chain weaker because we become weak or broken links.  We must become spiritually connected to who we are as Catholic Christians.

To tie this in with our lesson, the Catholic Church is a 2,000 year old chain FULL of links.  Some are weak, but the strong ones have outnumbered the weak ones for 2,000 years, and that is why she has lasted and stood strong throughout this time.  So, do you want to be a weak or a strong link in that 2,000 year old chain?  I think I want to strive to be that strong link.  What do you think?

I hope you all are enjoying the blog.  And remember, if you'd like to make a comment, please go here to the blog's site ( and make a comment.  That way everyone can see them, not just me! 

Have a great week!

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