Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's Party Time Again!!!

I hope you all enjoyed class Sunday, and to those who were unable to make it, we really missed you!!! Well, it is time for another fun, fun, fun Champions of Hope Sunday School Class Social!!  The Allisons have graciously volunteered to host the social this month.  It will be Friday night at their home located at 62 Bluegrass Cove in Cherry Hill Subdivision.  Here is a link to their address using MapQuest.  The social will begin at 6:00 and the Allisons have requested that everyone please bring a dish, and they will provide the meat.  Please email me back at ASAP with the following info:

1.  Are you going to be able to come?
2.  If so, how many (including yourself) will be coming?
3.  What dish are you bringing?

If everyone can please get back to me as soon as possible that would be great so that I can let Judy & James know how many to expect!

I hope to see everyone on Friday night!!

In Christ,